Using TRNBUILD in CUBE Voyager

Developed for TP+, TRNBUILD has some unique differences from other CUBE Voyager programs. Important differences include:

  • TRNBUILD supports a maximum of 64 transit lines through the same common stop node.

  • TRNBUILD supports a maximum of 255 modes.

  • TRNBUILD documentation refers to non-transit links as either support links or non-transit. Both terms have the same meaning.

  • When coding TRNBUILD scripts, enter any distances in control statements in hundredths of distance units without any decimal point. Enter time and speed as true values, including the decimal point included. For example, code 1.5 miles as 150, and code 1.4 minutes as 1.4.

Note: This applies to script statements only. NETI values are real: Enter distances in true units (miles or kilometers, with decimal points included) on the networks.

  • Times and distances are only accurate to the second decimal place. To increase efficiency, TRNBUILD stores times and distances as 16-bit integers with an implied scale of 100 and a maximum value of 65,530. For example, TRNBUILD stores a network distance 1.235 as 124, and stores a time of 1.001 as 100.

  • TRNBUILD displays distances reported in the print file or any output files in hundredths of units. TRNBUILD reports times in real units in the print file, except for the LINESTRING report and the TRACE summary. TRNBUILD outputs times in hundredths of units in LINKO and MATO.

  • Use the MATRICES statement to define the total number of O/P matrices in the MATO file. You can only use a limited number of variables or values in matrix calculations. Expressions cannot reference the values from other matrices.

  • The process is static; you cannot alter processes on a zone-by-zone basis.